ACC 2009 – Update #2
GUESS WHO WON AANCE??!!!?? ROBBBBBBB! OUR ROB! The way Marion announced it, ” THE Best Novice Male Dancer in The Nation is …… ROB JACKSON!!”
AAC 2009 – Update #1
Yallo. Liza here, ACC in Houston. WELL. We have been here since Friday and have been busy dancing, registering, dancing, attending this meeting and that meeting, competing, and spectating. The comp feels big this year, way bigger than last year. Don’t…
Desert City 2014 Update #4 – AWARDS!

Just over! Scoresheets still on the walls, crowds of tired, happy people clustered around them laughing, discussing, taking pictures with phones. Great happy vibe in that sunny room with Arizona golden sunset light streaming in the floor-to-ceiling glass…
Desert City 2014 Update #3 – WHO MADE FINALS?

Sorry no update last night – no hotel wifi in my room, fought all night with it, and tech support, finally gave up…
Desert City 2014 Update #2 – Headlights!

Laaaazy day, floating lazily along on the lazy river, with a lazy fruity drink, lazing with friends, lazy chomping on lazy food at the cafe, lazing around on lounge chairs in the hot hot hot hot hot hot sun …