City of Angels 2013 – Update #4
Two food trucks parked outside the ballroom! Along the sidewalk hungry exuberant dancers fresh from the AMAZING Champions finals are lined up in the dark to order Mexican food – YUMMY DAGGONE IT’S SO GOOD! – and desserts – LORD HELP ME SO DANG…
City of Angels 2013 – Update #3
Oh my gawd please don’t let me write drunk updates. The DJ’s and video guys are our “High Priests?” Seriously?
City of Angels 2013 – Update #2
What a beautiful ballroom! Looks just like the way Ronnie and Brandi dance! Clean, elegant, thoughtful, attention to detail, tells a story, creates drama, atmosphere. It’s intelligent, artistic, understandable.
Almost City of Angels 2013 – 2 Days!
Beautiful weather forecast for City of Angels this weekend! Mid 70′s to mid 80′s even, sunny and dry! We’re coming from low-40′s Washington D.C. so we are happy happy happpppy …
Almost City of Angels 2013 – 3 Days!
Kickoff dance Thursday night with singer/songwriter Ernie Halter, live! How cool is that?!?
City of Angels 2014 Update #1 – Police Tape, Toilet Paper, and Ernie Halter

Thursdays are about armrests, overhead luggage bins, taxis, front desks, after-hours foraging in a new city, hanging yellow police-tape across my area of the room. The stuff all of you who travel to events deal with many (or most, or all if you’re…
City of Angels 2014 Update #2 – WHO MADE FINALS?

STRICTLYS! Novice 20 couples, and here’s who made finals!
City of Angels 2014 Update #3 – JACK AND JILLS!

Jack an Jills just started! Gotta run down there! Lemme talk really fast:
City of Angels 2014 Update #4 – FINALS POSTED!
YUM that breakfast buffet sure hit the spot. Bacon, eggs, bacon, potatoes, bacon, sausages, bacon, pastries, bacon, watermelon cantelope pineapple bananas apples oranges and more bacon. Breakfast buffet comes with your ticket! Everybody eats!