Desert City 2012 Update #3
What a rowdy crowd! Packed ballroom whistling, pounding and screaming for Novice prelims (which came even before Opening Ceremonies.) There is huge support for beginner dancers here, huge excitement and “ownership” of the new dancers, and it shows in…
Desert City 2012 Update #2
No more rain! Dried up after that last update and it’s been rain-free ever since! Muggy, like we’re on the inside of a cloud…
Desert City 2012 Update #1
It is POURING! Not just raining but serious torrential downpour. Palm trees outside the room bent over sideways, whipping around like the hair’s gonna be blown off their heads. A flash flood warning is in effect until midnight. Remnants of Hurricane…
Desert City 2013 – Update #4
An important correction! Tricia McLaws Reynold – the cook for Friday night’s Hospitality Suite dinner – tells me that she did not mistakenly serve undercooked pork.
Desert City 2013 – Update #3
You might have heard that we had a bit of a mishap at Desert City. “Bit of” as in the entire Desert City staff (30 people? 50? ) got food poisoning from undercooked pork served as Friday night’s staff dinner in the Hospitality Suite.
Desert City 2013 – Update #2
Stories in a moment … but first! Jack and Jill Finalists! And last night’s AWARDS!
Desert City 2014 Update #5 – Fanny-Pack Spins! Remote Control Cars! The Wave!

What is it about the 80's?