ESS 2014 Update #3 – Hard Work and Hope

Mind Blown. SO tired. My whole body hurts! New muscles screaming “WHAT THE HECK?!? ”
ESS 2014 Update #4 – Parker and Jessica

I’ve received a flurry of alarmed emails from around the world asking “What IS this event? What is ‘ESS’?!?
ESS 2014 Update #5 – Campfire Stories

“Oh what a beautiful bonfire! Much bigger than last year! All the chairs and mattresses and blankets! So pretty!”
Desert City 2011 Update #1
It’s Friday night here at Desert City, lights just turned down and all-night social dancing has begun. Packed floor. This is a fun comp! We must have heard five times today “this is my favorite event of the year,” and it did just win the award for…
Desert City 2012 Update #10
Been home for a week – suitcases still fully packed. Argh! Gotta unpack so I can re-pack for Boogie in a week and a half. Argh! All this suitcase stuff making me talk like a pirate, no idea why.
Desert City 2012 Update #8
FINAL RESULTS AUGHGHGH! On my way to airport! AUGHGHGH! Rushing rushing return rental car where’s a gas station hope I don’t crash what is the PROBLEM with google maps can’t read this STUPID Ipad while I’m driving luggage feels too heavy gonna…
Desert City 2012 Update #4 SCHEDULE CHANGE