MadJam 2013 Update #2
Smoke machines! Multi-colored light-shows on the walls! What a night of dancing! PACKED ballroom last night, jammed until the last 25 dancers left to have breakfast at 6am. Louis and Helen – music was crazy great!
MadJam 2014 Update #3 – Here We Go!

We’ve come too far to give up who we are So let’s raise the bar and our cups to the stars We’re up all night to get lucky We’re up all night to get lucky … We’re up all night to get Ain’t no time for talking Show me what you got We’re…
MadJam 2009 Update #1
Yallo! Liza here, on our way to Chicago, and now have some time to write about…
MadJam 2012 Update #7
Jack and Jills…Jack and Jills! Saturday morning! (“morning” as in 1-4pm Saturday afternoon) Bill Cameron on the mic; Anthony DeRosa DJing
MadJam 2012 Update #6
Seven random tidbits: The French have left DC and are now on their way to Chicago for the Chicago Classic this coming weekend. Most flew but some are driving. Why, I asked, Why are you driving? Such a long drive! “Vee vant to see leetle beet of your…
MadJam 2012 Update #5
The energy Sunday night! From just after awards (around 5) till 7am Monday morning – sheesh! Lots of people saying it was the highlight of their entire weekend. One of those dimly lit “in the zone” nights where a roomful of dancers are transformed.
MadJam 2012 Update #4
AUGHGHGHGH It’s almost 8am and still great music in the ballroom! I’m still up (GB fast asleep for two hours now) – should I give up trying to be responsible and just go back down to dance? I’m watching on tv and It is still hoppin’ in there…
Madjam 2012 Update #2
We still have no heat in our room rghghgh and it’s cold and raining today rghghgh pirate noises argh rghghgh it is fuh-reezing in here we have to wear coats oh well worse things in life some people never get to go to dance comps at all anywhere ever we…