Michigan 2013 – Update #5
SATURDAY NIGHT! Emcee for the night Braaaaaaay-yent (that’s Kellese calling) Key in a spiffy red bow-tie and matching shoes, hot!
Michigan 2013 – Update #3

You have never seen anything until you’ve seen Cory Flowers on Brennar’s shoulders, Bret Navarre on Stephen White’s shoulders, and Hugo Miguez trying hard to lift long lanky Stephane Dominguez onto his shoulders but getting stuck on the ground…
Michigan 2013 – Update #1
The elevator button is on a pedestal! There are like 10 glass elevators in a semi-circle, shiny black marble floor, strings of sparkling lights hanging from the ceiling, really cool and architectural.
Michigan 2014 - AND BREAKING NEWS!

Here's how you learn... Breaking! Breaking! Breaking News! US Open! And more!