SwingDiego 2014 Update #8 – 33 HOT SONGS YOU NEED TO KNOW!

Louis, Louis, what would we do without Louis?!? HE'S BRILLIANT!
SwingDiego 2014 Update #9 – Scoresheet Debates! 22 Hot Songs To Know!

Ahhhh, scoresheets. Can’t win with ‘em, can’t win without ‘em.
Swing Fling 2011 Update #4
On the plane out to L.A. for VIP Awards, 3,600 ft. above snow-capped Rockies in a blue blue sky… Final words on Swing Fling 2011:
Swing Fling 2011 Update #3
“Smurfs! A ballroom of dancing blue smurfs!” That was George Wenschel and his videography team on Friday evening when the room was bathed in blue lighting, as if you were dancing underwater in an aquarium. Moody, other-wordly, spooky almost.
Swing Fling 2011 Update #2
We do partner dancing. Unlike ballet or jazz we are about Relationships. Connection. Chemistry. Cooperating. Partnerships. Careers made, careers blown to smithereens. Stardom, Loserville, Purgatory. Marriages, scandals, pregnancies, continental jetting…
Swing Fling 2011 Update #1
We’re at Swing Fling! First year under new management! Dave Moldover and his Dance Jam Productions cracker-jack organizational team (who do MadJam in March). This is Swing Fling’s 20th Aniversary year – created by Barry Durand and Dawn Garrish in…
Swing Fling 2013 – Update #4

Solid black. Eyes on fire. He stands there. So much intensity he’s burning a hole in the floor. And then. SHE emerges. From behind him…
Swing Fling 2013 – Update #3

Royston is ON FIRE this weekend. Most ridiculous hilarious great we’ve ever seen him, ever. People are saying yesterday was THE funnest day of Jack and Jills they’ve ever had – Royston was solid jokes – Rolling-On-The-Floor-Laughing zany jokes…
Swing Fling 2013 – Update #2

Very cool thing going on here this weekend – a Judging “Apprentice Program” in which Dawn Garrish (chief judge) is training judges how to do this difficult job. So there are 15 judges standing out there with clipboards and staff cards hanging from…