US Open 2014 Update #10 – Penalties, Violations, and Errors!

How many placements are you dropped? Who makes the rules? Do events follow the same rules?
US Open 2014 Update #11 - SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT

Richard and Susan DeFelice Win Second Place In Masters Routines A judging mistake which had put Richard and Susan DeFelice in last place…
US Open 2014 Update #1 - Who Is Raymond?

Every person thinks they're more important than they really are. They think the world can’t live without them. If you have that mentality you slow things down, you’re not an asset…

GOSSIP, RUMORS, AND TRUE STUFF THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED IN THE WEST COAST SWING COMMUNITY Reported with 347% Accuracy Hi there, it’s Liza. These Updates are an archive of emails sent out during dance events on the West Coast Swing competition…
MadJam 2012 Update #3
OH MY GOODNESS! What a WONDERFUL Saturday night this has been! What great routines! What a great Champions’ Jack and Jill! And what a fun night of dancing tonight! We are forcing ourselves to leave the ballroom now -at – what is it? 6:30 AM? It is…
City of Angels 2013 – Update #5
CHAMPIONS STRICTLY PRELIMS Chris Dumond and Torri Nick Jay and Rachele Smith Ryan and Samantha Buckwalter Rome and Tashina Demetre and Cameo Doug Silton and Crystal Matt Auclair and Laureen Stephen White and Lindsey Ben Morris and Jenn Deluca Luis and…
City of Angels 2013 – Update #1
On the plane on my way to L.A. By myself, no Genieboy this time. I keep wanting to blame things on him but he’s not here – it’s very confusing.
US Open 2014 Update #12 – Devil In A Blue Dress!

“You’re missing the guitar, you have to hit the guitar.” Ben and Cameo bring back her parent's famous routine, for its 20th year anniversary!