By now you have heard that Jordan and Tatiana are retiring from competing in Classic, and you have seen their breathtaking final US Open routine and heard the gasps of disbelief, sadness, gratitude, and love that ricocheted around the world.
Jordan and Tatiana are the face of West Coast Swing.
From Mauritia to Reykjavík -- spreading not only the joy of our dance, but the very best of our nature, the best of West Coast Swing community culture.
By touching lives one person at a time, making real friendships with ongoing contact, by working with small groups in near and remote corners of the world, by creating communities that thrive on the influence of their personalities and values, on the love and respect for our dance, and the love and respect for dancers, by representing us by being themselves, they have built flourishing communities with these values at their core.
Jordan and Tatiana stand as Champions not only as dancers, but as human beings. They show us what dignity, kindness, humility, and courage look like.
We need, we desperately need, role models in these uncertain times. Jordan and Tatiana are that. For me personally, and for thousands of others around the world, they are examples of what it means to be fully engaged, to treat every person with respect and compassion, to have vision and belief in greatness -- for oneself and for one's people. And to be frail, funny, messy - fully human - at the same time.
We all know how hard it is to navigate "age" in the dance world. Aging comes fast for dancers. Not just physically, as newer, faster, more flexible young dancers breathe in our ear. But as our international community grows our hunger for new concepts, too, seems only to increase. West Coast Swing styles flare up and fade away as fast as last year's outdated harem pants, graphic leggings, and bubblegum-pink lipstick.
To say that it's hard for our top dancers and pros to know when and how to redefine themselves, to change their role vis a vis the community - is an understatement. We can all give examples of dancers whom we've watched "age" badly, with bitterness and anger, unable or unwilling to let go of "childhood" and move forward to a new, more "mature" relationship with fans, students, and colleagues.
Jordan and Tatiana, so recently just kids, are showing, yet again, the path. The way "aging" in the dance world can be done gracefully and with respect.
The path is this:
You work hard, compete hard, earn respect for your perseverance and accomplishments; you establish a name for yourself as an artist, teacher, and ambassador; you accumulate a body of work, titles if you can; friendships and loyalty.
And then ...
You move on to bigger things. Wider horizons, more far-reaching artistic projects and ideas. You put to good use your years of experience and your bank of work, in order to pursue endeavors more befitting of mentors, champions, statesmen.
The word "respect" keeps coming to mind.
Because in order to accomplish any of this one must have respect; first, for the dance itself - the vision to see it as a serious art form with possibilities to "make a mark" on human life.
But respect, also, for dancers -- for the west coast community as a whole, and for each 9-year old and 84-year old who forays into a class one day and never wants to stop dancing west coast swing again.
But most importantly, it requires respect for oneself. The confidence to believe in oneself, to have vision for oneself. The self-respect that allows you to see - or at least to hope - that you can have an effect on people, on art, on west coast swing, on other dance communities around the world. It requires that you take yourself seriously. That you believe you have a contribution to make in this life.
That's the hard part.
Jordan and Tatiana, both individually and together as a "brand," show us, more than any other quality perhaps, what respect actually looks like. In attitude and in action.
So now they're moving on. They've taken their final bow.
It's sad. Waiting each year to see Jordan and Tatiana's new Classic routine has been the highlight of the US Open, and the highlight of every event in which they've competed, around the world.
We'll still see plenty of them. Maybe more! I can barely wait to see what creative projects they have in the works. They're certainly not going anywhere -- we are their family and their home. For life.
But it's sad. Because this marks the end of an era.
Many of today's dancers have never known this dance without Jordan and Tatiana at the head of it, as the face of it. It's hard to imagine a competitive circuit without Jordan and Tatiana leading Classic.
For others of us it's sad because they've grown up. We've watched them grow up. And now we will watch them soar, fly away, off to do great things in the world.
So now we've seen them dance their final dance at the US Open -- the last time they'll compete on the US Open floor. And they gave us this final routine in the same sportsmanlike, gracious, human way that's reflected in everything they do: by considering first the welfare of their fellow competitors, not wanting their farewell to interfere with or diminish their friends' chances of competing in the division.
The idea of using their retirement to capitalize on the extra attention, or to market or "sell" themselves in a crass or divisive way; or to gain any unfair advantage over their fellow competitors, their lifelong friends - it's not their way. Such ideas would be repugnant to them.
So they kept their plans secret! Even from closest friends and family members. And, typical for them, took a huge risk in doing so; because what if they hadn't won? Think how awkward, how embarrassing, it could have been for them to say goodbye.
But they are who they are. They were willing to take this risk because for Jordan and Tatiana good sportsmanship -- respect -- comes first.
By now you have probably also seen the huge outpouring of love and appreciation for Jordan and Tatiana.
How many lives have they touched! And never as self-important celebrity icons, but as real, unpretentious, hard-working, generous human beings.
I can't read these many personal words of thanks without being brought to tears.
Kadu Pires Znl (Brisbane, Australia and Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
"Jordan Frisbee at Tatiana Mollmann I have aways adored you both for your exquisite attention to passion and detail in your dance, shaping the way WCS is danced, and for your high integrity and character.
"You are amazing teachers whom I admire and love. I will always cheer my heart out for you wherever life leads you both.
"Thank you for the wonderful gift you have been to me and our world dance community. It would not be the wonderful dance and dance community today if it were not for you two being such a dynamic part of leading it with grace and love.
"For those of you who are not in the WCS world these two have won the Classic Division Competition at the US Open 11 out of the last 15 years. They are the best of the best and as Robert Royston, whom I also love and admire from the bottom of my heart, says, that is a record that may never be broken, as they are retiring from Classic."
Caroline Pillar (London, England)
"I am so sad. Heartbroken, inspired, amazed, and crying Tatiana!"
Igor Pitangui (Belo Horizonte, Brasil)
"Vocês são os grandes responsáveis por o mundo inteiro ter se apaixonado pelo West Coast Swing!
"São eternos e todos nós seremos sempre gratos pela generosidade de vocês!
"Muita luz em seus corações!"
Liduina Aruma Handi Lovert (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
"Their last time competing in the US Open Classic division....
"Jordan Frisbee & Tatiana Mollman
"The best, amazing, inspiring, greatness, finesse, emotion, passion, effortlessness, touching.....I'm missing words to describe how amazing you truly are....
"Thanks for sharing your talent with the world Tatiana Mollmann and Jordan Frisbee"
Allan Skinner (Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia)
"All of Jordan & Tatiana's Classic Routines, they truly are amazing and will continue to be an inspiration to many! These guys are one the reasons that I fell in love with West Coast Swing and I am so honoured to host them on the Gold Coast at 2016 Australasian WCS & Zouk Champs!!"
John Higgins (London, England)
"Twelve years ago, you both inspired me to take up WCS and helped shape my life in a totally different direction. In the last two years, I have seen new challenges, but I have not forgotten the positive words you gave me at Midland Swing in 2013 when my life was about to change.
"With a incredible track record in competition already, rest assured we will be there for you in the future and not just on the dance-floor, but as your good friends like me and others.
"We would understand if you wanted to 'go away' and explore other things if you felt the need to, but as you mentioned in your closing speech after claiming the eleventh win at Classic , it was never about the performance, always about your fans and audience who have been with you. It is always a pleasure and honor to watch and learn from you and I am forever grateful and in your debt. Love and hugs"
Jack Berard (Grants Pass, Oregon)
"In the forty plus years of being a part of our WC community I can tell you. Never has there been any one that has inspired us more than you two. Do you remember when we first met? I think you were 16. It was in Arizona. And I told you that you would be a superstar! Well I was I right on with that comment. Because the legend of J&T will truly live on forever. I love you guys. Good luck in all you do. You've shown greatness for years and am sure you will continue to do so in all you still have to do."
Darius Zi (Toronto, Ontario)
"Vision Dance Encounter had the privilege to bring the world’s West Coast Swing champions Jordan and Tatiana to Toronto two years in a row. We were thrilled to recognize them on behalf of the Brazilian Zouk community to thank them for bringing Zouk into the WCS world. Last weekend, Jordan & Tatiana won the US Open for the 11th time and retired with an amazing, heartfelt routine. Just like in the WCS world, Zoukers everywhere watched in fascination and were deeply moved (sometimes to tears!) by their final competition routine. We are so happy that this is not the end, but rather a new chapter in the J&T partnership. We can't wait to see where your mastery of dance goes next."
Vanessa Bazin (Maguelone, France)
"Comment pleurer comme une gogole de bon "matin" en se réveillant dans son lit ^^ Jordan et Tatiana Le couple dont on se souviendra toute notre vie !!!!"
Jeanne Jackson (San Diego, California)
"In 2007, I was hosting a group of Salsa dancers on a Mediterranean cruise. Two of our guests were from China. He spoke broken English and she spoke no English.
"One day during the trip, my daughter and I were at the train station in Livorno, Italy. The Chinese couple were also there and came over to us. We spoke for a few minutes and I mentioned that I was not a Salsa dancer and that WCS was 'my dance.'
"His eyes got big and he asked me if I knew of Jordan Frisbee and Tatiana Mollmann. I said yes and told him they were often on staff at the events I coordinated.
"He proceeded to tell us they had all J&T's tapes and they were teaching themselves to WCS using the tapes. His dream (his word) was to someday meet them and take a class from them. Their goal was to dance like Jordan and Tatiana.
"Later, on the train, I said to Jennifer Jackson Rabins, "Do you realize what just happened? Two Americans, while in Italy, meet two Chinese dancers and what do they have in common? West Coast Swing - and Jordan Frisbee and Tatiana Mollmann! Something's happening!" Jennifer laughed and said "Ya, our own West Coast Swing ambassadors!"
"Who knew...... "
Heejung Jung (Seoul, South Korea)
"I literally could not breathe while watching this at the OPEN. Every moments were so precious that I did not want to miss out single pieces.
"Jordan and Tatiana are the reason I love this dance. Love them not just as amazing dancers but also very mature and humble persons.
"I am so thankful to have such a wonderful teacher. Jordan and Tatiana were my first west coast swing teachers and made fall in love with this dance. They have motivated to keep learning and come this far.
"If you guys aren't there, I wasn't be able to become a teacher and organizer in KOREA.
"I still remember our conversation in Hawaii at the intensive teacher certificate workshops and never stop learning and being humble like you guys.
I am so glad to see your last routine in person at the OPEN. Love you guys!!
"P.S. Thanks for encouraging me that "I will be just fine." when I was scared and worried about my first routine performance at the OPEN."
Phil Dorroll (Sarasota, Florida)
"Jordan & Tatiana have promised to return to the Open. They have just retired from an incredible career of competition. INCOMPARABLE!
"Now the journey will take on a different look and I am sure that they have not taken their final bow at the OPEN. At least I will promise to work tirelessly to make that happen ! Jordan & Tat, love you both!"
Dinga Achile Full (La Rochelle, France)
"Après Kobe, eux aussi ....
"Jordan , Tatiana Mollmann merci de m'avoir donné envie !!!"
Clint Glasgow (Gold Coast, Queensland)
"US Open 2015 will be remembered as the last time the best partnership in swing retired from the classic division with 11 US Open titles.
They sure did "steal the show" and I don't think there was a dry eye in the house. Jordan & Tatiana an inspiration to many including myself. Thank you for who you are and for what you've done."
Oscar Hampton (Overland Park, Kansas)
"Am I the only one who is hoping that Jordan and Tatiana Mollmann are just going to play baseball for 2 years?!?!?
#Stoletheshow #truechampions #MJ "
Brandon Gautreaux (Bakersfield, California)
"This year the US Open marked a very special occasion for me. I got the chance to see my friends Jordan Frisbee and Tatiana Mollmann take the stage in their final classic performance for their 11th win. It took me a few days to let that sink in and although they will still be dancing and teaching,I will miss their creativity and the way they proved there are no limits of what you can achieve if you work hard for it. As I watched my friends cry around me watching their performance, I couldn't help but think how hard it was for them to finally say it was time to step away knowing how much love everyone around the world has for them. Thank you for all the years you gave me to aspire to be better in this dance and in life. Love you guys."
Shelley Saxena (Toronto, Canada)
"I thank them from the bottom of my heart for impacting me and my son's life in the most positive, beautiful, and uplifting way. As dancers and human beings."
Mauro Fernandes (Belo Horizonte, Brasil)
"Como começa um mito!
Jordan Frisbee e Tatiana Mollmann que encerraram suas participações em competições em 2015"
Louis St. George (Ballrooms Everywhere, Earth)
"To Jordan & Tatiana - thanks for the great memories! Classic dancers around the world are saying thank god now I can get an Opus ... lol ... oh its funny cause its true!"
Samantha Wong-Startup (Singapore)
"I took my first private lessons and workshops with them in Singapore in 2009. My team Torchiere (comprising David Liem, Ryan Tang, Yen-ling Lee and myself) did our first geeky routine "Love Potion No 9" in front of them (almost like a tribute!) as part of the Asia Salsa Cruise events. I still remember Jordan joking that the song reminded him of the old times. My all-time favorite WCS couple. Love you guys! Jordan and Tatiana!"
Terry SalsAlianza (Paris, France)
"L'ultime show de Jordan Frisbee et Tatiana Mollmann
Ils nous font leurs adieux de la plus belle des manières!"
Cyndi Logan Parra (Gardena, California)
"Congratulations to my cousin Jordan and our beautiful Tatiana on their retirement in competitive WCS dancing... after 11 record making US Open Classic wins!! As amazing as this is, it pales in comparison to the impact they leave in their dance family. Love you both and super proud of you two!!"
Jennifer DeLuca (Orlando, Florida)
"Nothing more bitter sweet than a final bow.
"The 15 year old girl in me who would sit in her bedroom for hours watching your latest comp on VHS is totally bummed however the 32 year old woman I am today .... Completely different story.
"I TOTALLY get it and couldn't be happier for you both This is where the hard work as a competitor pays off. There's a whole new level of joy thats waiting to be experienced on this side of the floor. Relish in knowing your musical manifestations left a foot print that will forever be engraved on the hearts of this community.
"I love you both and couldn't thank you more for the many years of friendship and inspiration you've given me. Without your magic, I wouldn't have found mine. No words for such gratitude. Rest and enjoy knowing your partnership was that of epic perfection.
"Oh ... and Welcome to the "retirement club" (its F-in Fabulous) we will celebrate appropriately once I'm able lmao"
Sahiba Sawhney (Indi, Buapur, India)
"I don't know if you know this but the world's favorite swing couple - Jordan and Tatiana - stopped competing this year-end only in the classic division.
"Gracefully, without a fuss, of their own free will and out of respect and love for their sport.
"I had the privilege of meeting them at the Salsa Cruise in Singapore and they were humble, beautiful, gracious and oozed generosity.
"I love you guys and I hope you continue to teach and be as amazing always.
Vanessa Clatot (Paris, France)
"Don't judge me... yes I cried! All the best Tatiana & Jordan"
Linda Lee Parsons (Santa Clarita, California)
"I'm sure I am one of your oldest admirers having watched you since you were in your teens. Thank you for the wonderful routines I have so enjoyed and will always remember. Blessings for a new adventure!"
April Sakaluk (Calgary, Canada)
"Sitting here in Calgary and watching classic finals. Just watched Jordan & Tatiana nail their routine and I can't stop crying. Such an influential couple in dance. Two of the most professional and talented people I know. Proud I can call them friends. Tatiana Mollmann thank you guys for sharing your love and passion with us all."
Jose de la Mancha (Lyon, France)
"Jordan & Tatiana have danced their LAST EVER routine together at U.S. Open 2015.
"I feel like my world is collapsing."
Truly Monica Respect (Toulon-Sur-Mer, France)
"It's clear they will have it all apart for 10 years and she decenie of fire, fun, magic, of excellence, class and passion... They were able to send us with love and professionalism. ..!!!
"Thanks Tatiana Mollmann and Jordan Frisbee thank you from the bottom of my heart for your beautiful classics routines...!!! Well this is quite a masterpiece these 10 years!!!
"Yes they stole the show since then....!!! They made it so magic, with world class excellence, passion, together with a lot of professionalism, and fun and so much love.....!!!!
"We must all thank you for all the effects, the thrill and the joy you gave us with your classic routines....!!!"
Michelle Kinkaid (San Francisco, California)
"Jordan Frisbee and Tatiana Mollmann ... Classic Royalty! You have made incredible contributions to this dance and inspired so many across the globe. Many thanks for what you have done and continue to share. Much love to you both. xoxo "
Ibirocay Regueira (Älvsjö, Sweden)
"Jordan and Tatiana, you couldn't have had a more perfect curtain call... EPIC doesn't even cut it... THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for so many treasurable moments of WCS excellence!! We have a saying in the salsa scene when we see or hear masters at work... Inigualables! And that is what you truly are. The US open won't be the same without you and ya'll we'll be deeply missed next year. And I gotta hand it to you, brilliant and so much respect for going out like that! Pure GENIUS!! "
Chuck Brown (Lake Oswego, Oregon)
"Jordan and Tatiana!!!! This is especially emotional! There is no way to write my sincere thoughts other than to say it's a honor to witness your journey and what you've done for this dance, this community, and us professionals!! You're truly legends and an inspiration to all of us!
"Thank you for all you've done and what you continue to do! I'm proud to know you both as friends!
#madrespect "
Priscilla Ferreira (São Paulo, Brasil)
"E a noite aqui no Brasil acaba com essa imagem, muitas lágrimas, muitos corações partidos e muita gratidão por ter estas duas pessoas influenciando centenas de dançarinos pelo mundo.
"Obrigada Tatiana Mollmann e Jordan Frisbee por nos inspirarem como dançarinos e profissionais.
"Vocês escreveram uma linda história.
"A última e a mais emocionante de todas as coreografias, por todo seu significado. Da escolha da música aos movimentos.
"Finalizam uma etapa com toda a delicadeza e amor que tiveram durante estes 10 anos.
"Minhas maiores referências de trabalho."
Susan Eiden (Osseo, Minnesota)
"I was there for their first US OPEN routine and I had the joy & privilege of working with them twice as the Event Director for the Swing Challenge. Both amazing dancers, ultimate professionals and sincerely genuine and funny people! (I'll never forget the 'trust falls' Tatiana at the Mall of America). An amazing final competitive dance! Well done!"
Laetitia Burth (Paris, France)
"Way to go Jordan & Tatiana. That routine is an incredible last bow! These two are the reason so many of us worldwide have fallen in love with the dance!!! "
Demetre Souliotes (Los Angeles, California)
"To Jordan and Tatiana - I couldn't write a story better than your legacy and your life as dancers! What you have done for our community and all of your friends can never truly be measured!!! You guys are the the most amazing dancers, friends, ambassadors, icons, this community could've asked for. I thought the way you concluded this phase of your routine competition part of your dance life was awesome!!! For those that haven't seen the routine.... You need to! "
Lara Montero Farhadi (San Juan Capistrano, California)
"Tatiana Mollmann and Jordan Frisbee, I remember when you were practically babies. How far you have come. You brought it all to a new level and shone a huge spotlight on this dance we all love all over the world. You stole the show with your bright light and giving hearts, and you gave wings to thousands more. What a beautiful way to close your career in WCS competition. I only wish I'd seen it in person. Hats off to you. Your legacy speaks for itself - and you never set out to seek glory, only to do that which you love most. Dance. My heart is full watching the two of you. Whatever comes next in this next phase of your lives, may it be as great, as bright, as sweet and as graceful as this, your last dance. "
Leanne Landels (Sydney, Australia)
"Jordan & Tatiana final US Open Performance is exceptional I have loved watching their journey as they have masterfully made music visible each and every time they put foot to floor. Thank you J&T for so many extraordinary moments that have inspired us all and created a love and passion for this dance that is world wide! "
Abby Marie Stone Moscaritolo (Baltimore, Maryland)
"My favorite part of this is how incredibly present each of you are throughout the entire performance. It's tangible how much respect you show for each other, the floor, and most of all your audience and the many people who look up to you.
"I know so much has already been said about the best classic partnership in the history of swing, so I'll simply add a thank you to Jordan and Tatiana for putting their hearts and souls into each and every performance."
Rebecca Piper Grant (Houston, Texas)
"My first US Open I saw them compete as Juniors! Loved them then and adore them now. Mario was the MC and asked teenage Jordan, "Do your knees hurt"? And little Jordan said, "No."" Mario replied, "They will!" and predicted the couple would have many years and promising future in the dance community.
"I have loved watching their progression and yet they remain people of character, too."
Debbie Africanjet Inskip (Parma, Italy):
"A beautiful farewell performance by my favourite dancers Tatiana Mollmann and Jordan frisbee. Just want to say you both are a great inspiration."
Jasmine S. Williams (Dallas, Texas)
"Yes, it is true. WOW TOTALLY STOLE THE SHOW and BOW! Listen to the song if this amazingly fierce Classic Routine they retired to. This is their LAST routine they danced. Shocking . Jordan Frisbee and Tatiana Mollmann I love you girl I've always admire you and Jordan you guys are at your Bliss I don't really want it to end. The world is in shock."
Rodrigo Thomaz (São Paulo, Brasil)
"Pois é.... Fizeram a parte deles !!!
Como nao se emocionar com sua literalmente ultima coreografia no US OPEN ? Chorei msm !!!
Sempre serao minhas inspiraçoes no WCS !!! Parabens pela Amazing apresentaçao , a noite foi de vocês !!! #jordanfrisbee #tatianamollmann "
Beth Greenwald:
"Watched your farewell Classic performance on Youtube. Beautiful swan song. You two make us all believe we can be more than who we are, and for that that I am ever grateful to you."
Sarah Piddington (London, England)
"Wow. I'm shedding tears of sadness and joy, all at once. What a dance!
"Thank you, Tat and Jordan for so many wonderful routines and for pushing the envelope of this dance we love so much. You've left it in a wonderful place. Your Classic routines will be very much missed.
"Sending love and gratitude to you both xoxo "
Alisha Ruiss (Montreal, Canada)
"Tatiana Mollmann, wishing you well on this milestone (thank God you guys will still be teaching!). I have not danced WCS much but I'll never forget that you treated me with respect and kindness, all the while generously sharing your artistry."
Amber Hicks (Raleigh, North Carolina)
"Jordan and Tatiana have inspired millions all over the world because of their love for West Coast Swing and the incredibly humble and beautiful people they are. I met them in 2010 in my first year of dancing. I had a private lesson scheduled with Tatiana and even though I was going to be there an hour early (I've been late to my own birthday parties... at my own house if that says anything), but I was still so excited and nervous, I got pulled over for a speeding ticket on the way. It was totally worth it.
Because of them, my life has forever been changed and I know that's the truth for so many of us. I couldn't be any more grateful that I was able to see and feel this performance in person and I am not sure if I'll ever be able to watch it without getting choked up. They most certainly stole the show. They stole our hearts. This is the end of an era, but their legacy will go on in this dance forever.
Jordan and Tatiana, from the bottom of my heart, Thank You. "
Danielle Et Alain (Vaudreuil, Canada)
"Mes idoles tous styles confondus prennent leur retraite de la compétition au US Open 2015"
Teveya Dovbish (Los Angeles, California)
"Each year at the US Open there is always a defining moment that pulls on your soul by seeing it firsthand. Seeing this live was priceless and I am grateful to have experienced this heartfelt moment. Thank you Jordan and Tatiana for your inspiration and passion through the years and for being a major influence on why I do this dance. #ourresponsibilityWCS "
Diego Cruz (1A Calle, Guatemala)
"Wow!! They were the first couple i started to follow when i started dancing, this video made me cry a lil. These guys are AWESOME!! I am so greatful i had the chance to meet them, hope to see them again soon"
Kimberly Seitz Beachy (Springfield, Illinois)
"Absolutely incredible farewell routine danced by two absolutely inspiring dancers and people. Thank you Jordan and Tatiana for everything you have given to our sport."
Shirlei Toledo Leite (Santo André, Brasil)
"First place Forever!!! Para sempre nossa inspiração!!! Tatiana Mollmann and Jordan Frisbee we love you!"
Allison Bennett (Charlottesville, Virginia)
"Words cannot express how much Jordan and Tatiana have inspired me and my dance. Two of the nicest people in the WCS community and I could not think of a more beautiful way for them to say goodbye. You will be missed!"
Benjamin Ricard (Quebec, Canada)
"Thanks Jordan Frisbee & Tatiana Mollmann. For sharing with us the beauty of dance! "
SanJay MJ (Hyderabad, India)
"The Final Bow?
"Can't Believe it's all over, The Legend of this great dancing couple. This is Heart-wrenching. However, the show must go on and Yes like always, You stole the show once again.
"What an incredible journey and what a song to end it with! I must say i was truly lucky enough to have attended your sessions, Learn from you both and see you guys perform live!
"I shall always remember your kind words about my dancing Jordan! Hope to see you around again. Thank you so much for inspiring the world Jordan Frisbee & Tatiana Mollmann. "
Allen Stanley
"It's hard to imagine my life without being captivated in raw emotion whenever I see Tatiana and Jordan perform...our lives go in so many different directions because of the things we just happen upon by sheer chance or Divine fate...
"MY life, like so many others, was irrevocably changed when I discovered Jordan and Tat. Yeah, we all have our favorites, and I love to watch so many others, but for whatever reason, they were the ones who imprinted upon me first, when I discovered WCS.
"How hard it is describing to your non-dancing friends what West Coast Swing is, and then describing to them what it was like to see J&T's 'Pump It', 'Uprising' or 'Gravity' routines for the first time. How do you explain to someone who'd never seen lightning about YOUR very first time seeing lightning? You are trying to relate an experience that captivates your imagination and your soul...
"If I had to be honest with myself, I'd so often hide at a comp just to decompress and reflect what it was I was feeling after seeing, say, the 'Uprising' it just upset and uplifted me, somehow. Emotions like that will never leave me, and some routines are hard to watch even now because of the staggering emotional bond I have with them.
"My life is forever filled with gifts and adventures and extraordinary memories, and to have witnessed Jordan and Tat perform was a gift beyond my wildest dreams."
Irene Toro (Sydney, Australia)
"Absolutely have no words to describe this couple. Such inspiration both on and off the dance floor.
"Jordan and Tatiana you have touched people all over the world!
"It's been an honour to have met and worked with you. You may no longer do competitions but your legacy will live on for years to come. Hope to see you both in Sydney again soon!! "
Chris Sarah Jones:
"Sad to hear the end has come for two of the most amazing dancers and people on the planet. Thank you both for inspiring, teaching and entertaining so many of us for sooooooo many years. We love you Tatiana & Jordan!!! "
Steph Beck (Raleigh, North Carolina)
"Six years ago, some dear friends of mine convinced me to try this dance called "West Coast Swing". They taught me a few basics, and convinced me to come to a workshop these traveling pros were holding in Raleigh that weekend. The pros were Jordan and Tatiana Mollmann, their first class of the weekend that they called basics was so far over my head that I was lost within minutes. But to see the two of them move together, I was hooked. I wanted to move like that, and if figuring out rolling count while wearing lindy wedges was how to do it, then damn it, that's what I was going to do. There's a lot more to it than that, and that class started me on the road to the dance I truly love.
"Jordan and Tatiana, I've watched you grow as teachers, and as dancers. I've watched videos late into the night, and waited anxiously for each new Classic performance. You've served as ambassadors for the dance without even knowing it, as people share your videos to show non-dancers why we do what we do. Thank you for taking us along for the ride.
"Now, we move into a whole new world. This couple known for pushing the envelope has danced together on the US Open stage for their last time. This was their final performance together in the Classic division- and now their curtain call has stolen the show.
"Many of us have never known a dance world without Jordan and Tat as a staple each November. It's as much our tradition as Turkey and shopping. Thank you for sharing so much of your talent, your knowledge, and your selves with us all. Can't wait to see your next chapter. "
Didier Jean-Francois (Montreal, Canada)
"Disbelief!!! Say it ain't so!!! Jordan Frisbee & Tatiana Mollmann!!! An unbelievable routine as always... But the theme?!? Tell me it's not over!!!
"And if it is, I can say so much like... What a courageous way to go out! and also like... Thank you so much for just having been the partners that you were for all of us out there, inspiring, excellent, creative, badasses... (and that last part... well even if it is just a mise-en-scene, well that part is true!)"
Natália Mendes (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
"Os melhores do mundo! Não tem como não chorar, só em pensar q ano q vem eles não estarão lá.... Mas devemos compreender que eles merecem descanso...."
Wayne Brodd (Sugar Land, Texas)
"Jordan and Tatiana- Truly the greatest ambassadors this dance has ever had. Love you two!"
Marcelo Anteparra-Naujock (Portland, Oregon)
"Tatiana Mollmann I loved your last routine [pass this onto Jordan for me!]. I remember recording yours and Jordan's feet in Seattle 11 years ago for your website.
"Seeing you guys over the years, and always feeling welcomed was so great and I couldn't be more grateful. I hope your retirement rocks, and come say hi, anytime."
Jegatha Muralidharan (Hyderabad, India)
"What! No way!!! How can this be? "
Katy Rollins (Houston, Texas)
"There are no words to describe the influence these two have had and will continue to have in the swing community. I will forever be grateful to the inspiration that you two are. Cheers to this next chapter...
Thank you Jordan and Tatiana"
Dani Elle Cosford (Sydney, Australia)
"If you never watch any other West Coast Swing, watch this. Jordan & Tatiana - inspirations - just performed their last routine together... And I made the mistake of watching it just before I taught, which meant I had my kids ask if I'd been crying.
Rebecca Falkowski (Dallas, Texas)
"I just watched Jordan and Tatiana's farewell routine and now I'm a wreck and I don't know what to do with my life.
"Completely speechless. The emotion in this routine, this run... it was unlike anything I've ever seen from J&T. Each year we all anticipate the next routine... I can't believe this is it. I love that they sprinkled in some of their most memorable moves. But I'm so sad.
"Tatiana I love you girl and wish you nothing but happiness in the next chapter of your life. I enjoyed watching you soak up every minute on the floor.
"Now if you'll excuse me I need to watch this 100 more times and cry my life away.
"Just. Wow. "
Jaime Jesus Full (Queensland, Australia)
"Jordan and Tatiana Mollmann!
"What can I say, Legends of the West Coast Swing, Legends of dance, Inspiration to so many of us!
"What a privilege it has been to work with you and alongside you since the very first time in 2005 when we meet at the Best of the Best in Sydney hosted by by Michelle Gil and Charles Gil!
"Your work transcends dance styles and captures the imagination of everyone who was lucky enough to witness your dancing, and for those who saw you live, we witnessed something we will have as memory, as a story to tell for the rest of our lives!
"There is some unique experiences in life, and one of those is to be lucky enough to watch you both dance live!
"What ever the future holds, i know you both will excel, succeed, flourish and conquer anything else you set your mind too...
"CONGRATS Jordan and Tatiana on your final Competition performance, your curtain call, your last US OPEN!
"Now its time to dance for yourselves! No more judges, just for the love of dance :)))
"10 x Times World Champions! "
Luiza Marangon (Belo Horizonte, Brasil)
"Impossível não se emocionar. Admiração enorme por esses dois. Coreografia de despedida de apertar o coração. Inspiração pro resto da vida. Obrigada! "
Nadia El Farissi (Casablanca, Morocco)
"So amazing and so sad I still can't believe it's their last routine together!!
"Thanks for inspiring the world!"
Anyssa Rae Olivares (Houston, Texas)
"It's so sad to see this end. But the impact and print they left on this community will be here forever and I just want to thank you Tatiana Mollmann and Jordan for everything they have put on that floor it's been nothing short of amazing. You guys will be missed dearly. It won't be the same. The world and I love you! "
Ulysses Maclaren (Sydney, Australia)
"The perfect couple with the perfect song for their last ever US Open comp. Tatiana and Jordan you guys are such an inspiration. Thank you. "
Angie Fadness (Madison, Wisconsin)
"Today I was sad to learn that the professional dance partnership of Jordan and Tatiana performed it's farewell routine last night at the US Open. I feel honored to have seen them dance live a few times. I feel fortunate to have taken Kansas City & Chicago workshops with them. At both workshops I was lucky enough to dance with Jordan Frisbee and to talk to Tatiana. We even got a late night Zouk lesson in KC. They are truly the best West Coast Swing couple I have ever seen. Inspiring, constantly raising the bar for the dance itself and most importantly all around nice and genuine people. I wish you both much luck and love in your future endeavors. I can't wait to see what you do next. "
Bruno Líneker (Fortaleza, Brasil)
"Literalmente eles roubaram o show durante muitos anos inspirando centenas de westies apaixonados como eu pelo mundo. Não dá pra imaginar Classic sem Jordan e Tatiana.
"Fecharam um ciclo da forma mais perfeita possível.
"Revendo 50 vezes essa coreo. "
Maria Vassilieva (New York, New York)
"Going out on a really, really high note. I don't think there's a single Westie not mourning the end of an era today...welllll, maybe a little bit except all you Classic people who now have a shot at the top dog spot!
"Love you, Jordan and Tatiana! Thank you for the years of inspiration."
Kellie Baggett (Raleigh, North Carolina)
"Tatiana, I'm not emotionally ready to accept this news, but what an incredible performance.
"I love you guys and am grateful for your skill and passion. Every time I watch you dance socially, in a workshop, on the competition floor, you reignite my passion for this dance.
"What a beautiful legacy. Thank you. "
Michael Poh (Auckland, New Zealand)
"Thanks Tat for being such awesome inspiration. "
Stepha Nie (Altmünster am Traunsee, Austria)
"Thanks for all your great routines! You both are an inspiration to all dancers, thank you! "
Tricia Moore (Ferguson, Kentucky)
"Talk about emotional!
"Tatiana you and Jordan are a class act on and off the dance floor! Wishing you both nothing but the best in your future endeavors! YES, you two STOLE THE SHOW!! Great job! Thank you for all you've done and will continue to do for WCS! "
Natasha Wilch (Nanaimo, Canada)
"Jordan and Tatiana Mollmann this brought me to tears! You two have been an unbelievable inspiration to so many!! You two were one of the reasons I feel in love with WCS! I wish you much success, happiness, and adventure in your journey forward. "
Honey Smith (Eatonville, Washington)
"Jordan and Tatiana - Wow. Just wow. More importantly, thank you. I remember when I started dancing about 12+ years ago and the first time I saw you two perform... I was hooked. Your love for dancing and the skills and technique you both have taught me are something I will hold near and dear to my heart for years to come. I may not dance much these days, but it is still something I love deeply and I feel like I can always come back to it with open arms from this amazing community. You have inspired more people in the dance world then you will ever know. And you will be legends for years to come. I don't know what your future holds, but I know you will both do great things. Thank you for the memories - the joy, the tears, the fun. You couldn't have said your goodbyes better and you for sure, "
Napaula Ferreira da Silva (Belo Horizonte, Brasil)
"Inspiração para o resto da vida!!! Obrigada por todos os ensinamentos e por despertar em mim cada vez mais o amor pelo WCS!!! Vocês são maravilhosos e quem teve a oportunidade e ver vocês dançando vai guardar no coração para sempre!!! Sucesso sempre!!! "
Mara Carroll:
"They have always been at the top of my list! I have enjoyed watching Jordan dance since he was a little boy. First saw him at one of Tom Mattox's events at the Buena Park Hotel by Knotts Berry Farm. Took private lessons from him when he was only 16. Will definitely miss seeing them both in competitions! "
Deepika Goundar (Auckland, New Zealand)
"One of the best dancers, performers and teachers i've even seen. What an incredible routine and song to tell your story. Jordan and Tatiana - just lovely! "
Pat Eodice (Salinas, California)
"It will be hard to imagine a US Open without these two icons competing together. I have had the pleasure of watching them since they were Juniors. Their world wide influence on West Coast Swing is well documented. Their world wide fame is also, and yet, you can still walk up to them at a convention and get a hug. Don't know what the future holds for Jordan and Tatiana but there will be an empty spot on the dance floor of the US Open next year. So to you Jordan and Tatiana, I say, 'Thanks for the memories.' "
Gail Kraft (San Diego, California)
"Jordan and Tatiana are talented, generous and extraordinary individuals who came together and made magic in the dance world. I will miss the team and am so grateful that I got to witness your gifts and miracles you created for the world to see. Thank you. "
Erica Lyons (Orcas, Washington)
"No words. They left it all on the floor....
"I had my housemate watch the finals with me last night, and she's never seen our dance before. She was speechless, and this morning begged me to show her Jordan & Tatiana's routine again.
"That's the kind of performers they are. Magnetic, mesmerizing, poetic.
"Love you, Tati. Thank you. "
Fernando Bautista Ramirez (Cadereyta, Mexico)
"Una vez mas lo hicieron, y por ultima vez, aqui quienes han sido inspiracion de muchos, por quienes conozco el west coast swing
"JORDAN FRISBEE Y Tatiana Mollmann, GRACIAS! "
Tom Nellessen:
"Two kids we have been watching for the past 15 years have made their last US Open competitive dance together.
"Thanks for the memories Jordan Frisbee and Tatiana Mollmann. "
Chuck Jackson (Asheville, North Carolina)
"This is their last Dance as partners. Two of the best in the world. Very nice people. So happy to speak with Jordan in Lyon, France.
"This performance is incredible. As you both continue on your paths know that your gift to the world was your dedication, ability and hard work making the difficult look effortless.
"We are so much better for witnessing greatness on the dance floor. Incredible performers, better people.
"Fly on Jordan and Tat!
"Watching this?
Denise Jaques (London, England)
"Wow this routine actually bought me to tears - Jordan and Tatiana you have stolen the dance worlds hearts and inspired so many."
David Brubaker (San Diego, California)
"I have seen many couples shine since I have been going to the US Open for over 5 years. You and Jordan have been the crown jewels as far as I am concerned. Almost everyone can appreciate the sparkle and beauty of jewels at a distance but for those of us that have been dancing for a while, when we take out our jeweler's loop, we see the beauty in each facet. We enjoy and celebrate the picture perfect pose and gesture in each step and moment. We feel you sharing your love in the performance and we send it back in our response. We will look forward with some sadness to future US Open competitions where you will be missing, but are filled with fond memories of the ones past where your light will still shine and sparkle in our minds and bring a smile to our face. "
Rhonda Diamond (Torrance, California)
"Thank you, Jordan and Tatiana for your passion and brilliance. Your final US Open performance last night was absolutely epic, and I'm so glad I was there to witness it. I can't believe it's true, but I will grow to accept and trust that it is your time. I've known you since you began your amazing journey in your early teens, and I can't count the number of times I've shared your videos with friends to show them what West Coast Swing is. I wish you every success and much love in everything that is your future, and it goes without saying that I couldn't be more proud of you both. "
Grace Killelea (New York, NY)
"Tatiana Mollmann and Jordon Frisbee- The news of your retirement from the Classic Division has spread far and wide. Congratulations to you both on a remarkable professional achievement. 11 first place Classic wins in 14 years is unparalleled. I spent many years emceeing events where you danced. I also want to commend you on your professionalism, work ethic, willingness to suit up and show up and for making your partnership work
"You are both blessed with natural talent. But many talented people don't achieve and maintain their success. You worked your butts off and it paid off. Hundreds of thousands of miles in airplanes, exploring the world and spreading WCS around the world. Thousands of hours practicing, finding your music, building your routines. Coaching and being coached.
"You showed us what happens when skill and will come together. I'm sure there are many more chapters for you both to write. Congratulations on your championships and for following your hearts."
Karine Zivanovic (Tignieu, France)
"Tati if you read ..... sorry for my english ;o) you know me :o) !
"By discovering the routine we saying.. no it s not true but yes .. That was the last routine of my heroes ! I just want to say I love you both !!!
"One evening I looked at videos of swing on YouTube and I saw tat and Jordan.
I did not even know that the west coast existed or what they danced but i love it ! A few months later by looking they were French and where I could find them ha ha ha !
"I see that they are in Montpellier for an event in summer OK I am mad .. I take 1 week of holidays i go there . i have never made this .. it was my first time at sea sun and swing. I did not even know the basic step and I saw again them..
"I waited outside by asking me for what I did and Tat which comes to speak to me... Oh shit needs that I recover in English!
"I find her extra normal she is ! Then come the time of the 1st evening and the waoww... It was the revelation, I was overexcited !
"I fell in love with this dance and i tried to make all the events which I could.
"Even if these last 2 years were in stand by cause my baby, i look forward to starting again the evenings from time to time because the wcs makes left my balance of life..
"My god that c is good that it feels good to dance!! And this sensation of happiness this trip it is thanks to them !
"To have to dare to travel c is also thanks to them because every meeting has wonder when what is that we see again each other you made make decisions or your banker not like!
"They whom i was lucky enough, had the opportunity to see and to find numerous times. They with whom we always found a moment to speak.. They with whom i was so much able to learn and always in the simplicity and with kindness in brief...
"One thank you to you two Tatiana and Jordan... To be what you are, for this all that you made for me and for all the community all over the world ! I wish you all the best for future, you will always be my source of inspiration and my models!
"I look forward to seeing again you and hugs you hardly in my arms!
"Thank you again and congratulations .. Your last routine could not be more made a success.. Tat and Jordan I love you for ever! And our 4 childrens love you too ! "
Jella Friedrich (Heidelberg, Germany)
"Two absolutely incredible and outstanding dancers. Jordan & Tatiana: you got me hooked on WCS! Thank you so much for your inspiration and for sharing your passion with us! "
Kris Swearingen (Eudora, Kansas)
"Ten years ago I walked into a dance studio for an East Coast Swing night and was immediately hooked. I went religiously every Saturday. It was my life blood. One time after some months there the DJ put on a song that was definitely not something you could do east coast to. I watched some of the more experienced dancers go out and started doing a dance that I thought looked really boring. I asked what they were doing and I got the reply, "they're doing west coast swing". I patiently sat there and waited for the song to end so I could get back to my east coast.
"The next day I was at home on my computer and decided to look up West Coast Swing on YouTube. I clicked on the first video that looked interesting to me and what followed changed the course of my life forever.
"I watched a dance couple named Jordan Frisbee and Tatiana Mollmann repeatedly over and over again. I was left in complete awe, unable to take my eyes off of them.
"From that moment, West Coast was my true dance passion. For years I trained hoping to one day to be able to dance with half the talent that Jordan had. And before I knew it I was lining up to compete against them in the classic division and looking over in a Champions Jack and Jill final that I had made and saw that I was sitting up there with Jordan.
"I can confidently say that had it not been for those two I would not be on the dance floor today. I would have not of had the drive to be the dancer I am today.
"This weekend they announced their retirement from classic and had their last US Open performance. It pained me that I had to be behind the curtain getting ready to go on right after them, and thus missed the actual performance, but the power could still be felt.
"And now as I think of it I find that actually fitting. Jordan and Tatiana brought me into this world of dance, and I feel so incredibly honored that I was able to take the floor directly after them. Almost like my hero was handing me the torch.
"Words cannot explain how grateful I am to them for things they don't even realize they did. You both will be missed on the classic floor. And we will all do our best to make you proud.
"Farewell but good bye Jordan and Tatiana. "
Caroline Amblard (France and Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
"It was a total privilege to watch your curtain call Jordan and Tatiana Mollmann.... From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU for all your amazing routines, for making me want to do this dance, for shifting the trajectory of my life onto this path, for being inspiring always, generous, and daring.
"I cannot wait to see the next step in your journey. Because it will be amazing to see what you will do, free from the cocoon, able to express entirely your art, craft and creativity... #freespirits #trailblazers #jordanandtatiana #wcslove "
Nicole Raus (Vienna, Austria)
"Today is a day Jordan and Tatiana Mollmann endet their US OPEN carrier. This year will be their last routine ever.
"I wish them all the best on their futur ways and will thank them from all my heart and soul, cause without them WCS would not be what it is today and I would never have started WCS in the first place.
"I feel as if I owe so much to you Tatiana Mollmann. I LOVE YOU and will always be thank full for every tear and 'Awhs' your routines made me cry out over the years. Presures memories! And this years Routine is one of your Best -this is how Champions Go. Kisses and Hugs from Vienna. "
Patrick Dickerson (Sacramento, California)
"I was surprised this morning, to see that Jordan Frisbee and Tatiana Mollmann announced that yesterday was their last time competing together at the Open.
"I watched them, as pre-teens, dancing at Michael Kiehm's studio, when he'd have Saturday WCS dances, with the friends they brought with them, and Parker Dearborn and Michael Kielbasa...dancing SO well to the music...and showing each other new moves they'd learned...
"SO generous with their knowledge...even to today, with their instructional DVDs bringing their creativity to the rest of us...
"I remember, when they were about 13, when Michael mentioned in class that THEY, those four, and their friends, including Jessica Cox, were the future of WCS... He was so right! And they've all been SO good for our dance...
"On the one hand, I'm sad, because I know I'll miss watching them and cheering for them.
"They raised the bar, every year, for everyone... Tatiana is gifted with a license to ignore the laws of physics and gravity...doing the most incredible and seemingly impossible things, while not missing a single beat...encouraged and led into them by Jordan...
"On the other hand, I have to cheer for people who are so successful, and choose to move their lives in another direction. I have no idea what directions they'll be going...but I have NO doubt that they'll be very successful.
"I can count on the fingers of one hand, the people I know who work that hard to get to the top...
"Much love to you both! I hope you keep putting out DVDs...and teaching workshops when you can... "
Eric Jacobson (San Francisco, California)
"There have been a handful of events in life that have had an inexplicable impact on me even though I had nothing to do with them (the Columbine shooting, the death of Heath Ledger, and the retirement of Justine Henin, for instance). This past weekend another one occurred: the retirement of Jordan and Tatiana from the Classic division of West Coast Swing.
"I've known of Jordan and Tatiana since they first rose to prominence. I remember hearing about their first win at the US Open Swing Dance Championships in the Young Adult division, and then was stunned by their winning routine in the Classic division the following year. I was a lindy dancer then but had been to The Boston Tea Party (back when it was only WCS) and got to see the rising stars in action. I started formally learning WCS (with Helen Tocco) the following summer, under the tutelage of Donna Roesel, and soon afterwards I took my first workshops and private lessons with Jordan and Tatiana when they came to DC to teach.
"Everyone wanted to be them, and to dance with them, and I was no exception. I wanted to be as smooth and cool as Jordan, and I did my best to emulate him. (Mission: Still not accomplished, but I can dream...) They were incredibly talented, incredibly nice, and incredibly admirable. I tried to grab a lesson with them when I could, and to grab a dance with Tatiana whenever I worked up the nerve. (Last year, at Seattle Easter Swing, on Saturday night, just as I was contemplating sparing the remaining followers and going to bed, Tatiana asked me for a dance, and even after knowing her for so long, I was still taken aback and starstruck - and completely embarrassed by my uninspired sleepwalk of a lead.) Along with Donna, Kyle Redd, and Sarah Vann Drake, Jordan and Tatiana were two of my most admired and influential teachers in those first few years.
"And every year, like everyone else, I have waited to see what their newest routine would be, and the opportunity to see it in person. Every year they have delivered amazing performances, and challenging, innovative choreographies that pushed the limits of our dance while always grounding it in the fundamentals that define it. Even when, admittedly, their routine of the year wasn't my favorite, I still appreciated, respected, and admired what they put on the floor. And not just what they did, but how they did it: always professional, always focused, always passionate, and always giving it everything they've got.
"And now, the Classic division will forever be changed, because they won't be in it anymore.
"And this weird mix of unidentifiable emotions is completely inexplicable. It's not like my life will be different without them doing a Classic routine. And more importantly, it's not like they're going away. They'll still be out dancing, teaching, even competing in other formats (I hope/presume). So what is this I'm feeling? Sadness? Nostalgia? Aging? Hunger? Who knows?
"But what I do know is that, as is often the case when we lose something, I am feeling very appreciative of these two special people and what they have done for our dance, our community, and for me personally over the last 15 years. So thank you, Jordan and Tatiana, for teaching me, coaching me, dancing with me, inspiring me, and heck, even remembering me and being kind to me (because stopping to say "hi" to someone at an event is sometimes the most memorable and meaningful moment). And thank you for giving us 15 years of astounding art, skill, and performances that have set the tone and the bar for our dance and our community. West Coast Swing would not be what it is or have come as far as it has without you leading the way.
"I know I'm just one of the thousands and thousands you've touched over the years, but here's one more thank you and good luck from little ol' me. See you around the dance floor. "
Matthew Smith (Maryland)
"We all knew it would end one day, we just didn't want to see it happen. Jordan and Tatiana, you have been an inspiration to us all over the years. I can truly say that your dance has pushed us to be better dancers and your enthusiasm has helped spur the boom of west coast swing across the world. I will always admire the professionalism you brought to the community, on and off the floor.
"I can't wait to see what you bring us next in your new roles in our community. We will love it just as much. "
Donna Sacco:
"Congratulations and. Happy retirement to Jordan and Tatiana Mollmann. New chapter, new focus... Thank you for always being so kind and encouraging to all dancers."
Kay Newhouse (Rockville, Maryland)
"Jordan and Tatiana have shared grace, vision, integrity and strength with us for an era, both on and off the competition floor. I am so grateful to them for all they have given us over these many years, and with love and trust I wish them well in this transition. You both have our hearts."
Bethany Niselee (San Antonio, Texas)
"Jordan and Tatiana Mollmann, thank you for pushing yourselves and an entire world with your routines. Thank you for being genuine friends to so many. I hope as today runs its course, that your community shows the support and gratitude you both deserve! "
Jennie Spånning (Trondheim, Norway)
"The end of an era.
"It is sad that they no longer will show us their amazing routines every year, but I am sure they will keep impressing and challenging us in other ways! This couple have influenced the whole world with their dancing."
Candy Konrath (Jacksonville, Florida)
"Love you two. Words cannot say how much you will be missed. So happy for you both in your retirement. "
Virginie Escaravage (Viry, France)
"Thank you Jordan and Tatiana for what you gave to the WCS community during all these years ... and it was just always a pleasure to watch you performe and dance ...
"We wish you all the best for the future. "
Gina Rölike (Düsseldorf, Germany)
"Jordan & Tatiana: because of your routines I learned about #WestCoastSwing - thank you for showing me the beauty of this dance and for being as incredible as you are. What an amazing last routine. You truly stole the show. "
Exenia Rocco (New York, New York)
"Pure dance and inspiration emanate from Jordan Frisbee and Tatiana Mollmann. We love you. Tatiana you have been such an inspiration to me and to so many other dancers. I love you and admire what you have done on the floor so much. Congratulations on a fabulous US Open routine. Thank you. "
Diann Markovic (Chicago, Illinois)
"So lucky to have been able to see these two perform and participate in one of their awesome workshops! So down to earth, no pro-snobiness whatsoever! Certainly they are the epitome of what is best about WCS! "
"This past week has been incredibly overwhelming for Jordan and I. We are at a loss for words.
"We have always known that the WCS community is an amazing place, but the outpouring of love and support we have received means more than you know.
"We truly want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
"We look forward to continuing our journey in the community within a new dynamic. Just so everyone knows, we will continue to do new routines yearly, along with many show pieces and ideas we have always wanted to create when rules are not in the way!!
"We love this dance, we love you guys, and we can't wait to help grow West Coast Swing even more!!!"
"With love, gratitude and immense appreciation,
Tatiana and Jordan
Robert Royston announcing the retirement of Jordan and Tatiana, 2015 US Open Awards Ceremony:
Robert: "Well, you've all figured it out now, there's was lots of talk on the Internet, "WHAT do these words mean? What are they saying?"
"So last night we all got to witness two of the greatest champions in any dance sport, anywhere in the world, competing for their last time at the US Open.
"And every once in a while a sport has that Muhammad Ali, that Michael Jordan, that "something" that sets the pace for the rest of the world; and we are so lucky that we had that, these two, for so many years.
"So, they didn't tell me that they were doing this last night -- which just made me cry out there ... that's fine ... I mean, you could have given me a heads up (laughter)...
"But it was an honor to be here and watch it, I'm so thrilled to have been a part of this whole journey, like everybody else here.
"And I would love if you could say something, even if it's just one or two words, on your retirement moment, for everybody here and everybody watching at this moment.
Tatiana: "I'm really bad at this! but I will tell you that all the years, it was never for the judges, it was always for you guys. Honestly, from my heart. So thank you! I love the judges, they're cool (laughter). But it was always that we put our heart and soul there for the audience. And if the judges liked it but you didn't, we wouldn't have been happy. So, thank you for all your support.
Jordan: "We've grown up here. This is our 20th or 21st year here at the Open. We've been here most of our lives. You guys are our family.
"We are not going anywhere, we are not separating as dance partners, and we're going to continue doing this every weekend of our lives, until they drag us off the floor. (audience laughter) We're just retiring from Classic. We would never think of leaving this community or leaving you guys.
It's so hard to express in words but we just want to thank you guys.
(Deafening Applause, Standing Ovation)
Robert: "I want to point out the record. In 2001 they competed in the Classic division for the 1st time. 14 years ago. I know this because their first time in Classic was my first time introducing them. And since then, in those 14 years, they have won the Classic division 11 times. I don't think that record is going to be broken for a very, very long time, if ever.