
Liza May

Liberty 2014 Update #3 – BACK TO THE 60′S


Our dance community is sometimes very wonderful.

Wish you could have seen the way an entire ballroom responded to a crisis with grace, cooperation, leadership, kindness, calm, and most of all love and kindness.

What could easily have been a panic/hysteria/confusion moment was instead a moment where you got a glimpse of people at their best.

  • People exited the ballroom the moment they were asked.
  • Someone called an ambulance.
  • Someone brought bags of ice.
  • Someone ushered in hotel management.
  • Someone brought Robert and Nicola a change of clothes, to not dirty their routine costumes.
  • Someone brought down their wallets, ID’s, and insurance information, for the hospital.
  • Someone went to check on their kids (they’ve got three with them – a friend of Bobby’s) and brought them down to see that Daddy was fine, just hurt his leg.
  • A doctor, a paramedic, an EMT, and several nurses – all dancers – stood quietly there offering help.
  • Someone brought advil and a glass of water.
  • Someone offered muscle relaxants, pain meds, anti-inflammatories and wraps (nursing an injury of their own) if Robert and Nicola had wanted.
  • Several people cradled his head, back, and legs.
  • Grace updated everyone watching from home on his status.
  • Someone (guess who) cracked completely inappropriate and completely hilarious jokes – which succeeded in bringing Robert his first laughs, regaining color in his face, probably brought him back from mild shock.
  • The entire effort was a thing of beauty, moving and flowing like a graceful Jack and Jill.

Group cooperation at its finest.

So proud of these people, so proud that these are my people, so proud to call this community my home.

So …. Last night.


The Opening Show! Hilarious.

60′s themed, big hair, wigs, sideburns, big shades, spangles and sparkles, hippies, flower girls, mini-skirts, knee boots, gold lame and Benji in drag.

And Lindo! The Master of All. Lindo as a gigantic huge something, in white, with a black wig a tad askew.

And confetti!

Very very very hilarious.

Rising Star! Twelve couples!

  • David and Kathryn Moody
  • Sammy and Heather
  • TJ and Marine
  • Julien Cantineau and Oliva Lanza Barbara
  • Steve Wilder and Jamie Callahan
  • Michael Blackburn and Taylor Morton
  • Rich and Susan DeFelice
  • Buzz Bunting and Emily Osborne
  • Lucky and Giselle
  • Bill Hopkins and Lorraine Rohlik
  • Thomas and Joanna
  • Andrew Mastin and Kirsten Obermiller

And Showcase! 3 1/2 couples!

  • Benji and Torri (man oh man oh man I am even more flabbergasted every time I see them. This routine is freaky amazing, astonishing. No words.)
  • Rome and Chevy
  • Philippe and Julie Salanon
  • The Roystons (one of whom is at this very moment emceeing a day of Jack and Jills, in a wheelchair, cracking jokes courtesy of heavy pain medication.)
  • He’s in a wheelchair and Dawn, Chief Judge, is on a walker and leg brace.

Life As A Dancer.

Tonight is Red Carpet, with Pro-Am routines, Teams, Juniors, and Classic!

Filed Under: Liberty

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