Liza May

Boston Tea Party 2011 Update #3

Oh, and just to clarify (cause I keep getting asked): they were not actually *panties* which Jessica had black ones of, and which Tatiana had way too loose ones of. They were *bloomers.* Lindy bloomers (shorts as they’re sometimes called, and in fact many girls wear boy-shorts or biker shorts cause they don’t ride up) meant to be seen when you twirl around or fly up in aerials. Covered in ruffles if your skirt is full enough.

Our girls are not actually skanky. They’re just pretend skanky. And Tatiana was not really getting undressed in public. She was adjusting a pair of borrowed bloomers which were too big. Pretty daggone hilarious. All of them up there together in a huddle doing frantic last-minute wardrobe adjustments.

I will post results here in a minute … Steve and Rebecca have already posted the offiicial results online! WOW unbelievable! They are efficient!

Whole weekend was like that … everything ran precisely on time, without a hitch.

Filed Under: Boston Tea Party

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