US Open 2012 Update #6
Champion Strictly:
- Sean and Sarah
- Jordan and Melissa
- Maxime and Alyssa
- Michael Kielbasa and Virginie Grondin
- Robert Royston and Deborah Szekely
- Benji and Patty
- Kyle and Tatiana
- Maxence and Jill Demarco
- Ben Morris and Torri
Open Strictly:
- Gregory Lebedev and Katia
- Diego and Jessica
- Arnaud and Estelle
- Rob Jackson and Heather Powers
- Andrew Opychral and Cintia Fiaschi
- Zsigmond Marias and Izabella Kowalska
- JB and Elise
- Hugo and Kara
- Warren and Irina
- Stephen White and Dawne Kiehm
- James J and Chevy
- Lee and Joanna
- Ryan and Janelle
- Reginald Beason and Blandine
- alt Sheven and Jenn Pasetes
Classic Finalists:
(we saw 31 classic routines today in semis! astounding day!)
- Maxime and Virginie Perga
- Luis and Taletha
- Jordan and Tatiana
- Sebastien and Blandine
- Brent and Kellese
- Shaheed and Rachele
- Lee and Fabienne
- Clint and MacKenzie
- Ronnie and Brandi
- John Kirkonnel and Alyssa
- Sean and Courtney
- Gary and Susan
- Ben and Cameo
- Arthur and Colleen
- Kyle and Sarah
Running down for Masters!