
Liza May

US Open 2012 Update #2

Some very sad news.

David Koppelman was found dead in his home last night. Long-time member of the community, dear friend to many, deejay at most every major event in California and around the country, Dave will be sorely missed. Many people here are shaken up this morning, waking up to hear this. Dave was supposed to have come on to DJ at 11 last night and when at 11:45 he had not yet shown up people began to worry. It is not yet known how he died but looks to have possibly been a heart-attack. Dave had ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) – a miserable disease – but you would never have known it from his sweet, humble, uncomplaining, unbitter attitude towards life, people, and the west coast community that he loved. He was a good man.

If you want to consider donating here is the link to the ALS Association website.

What a sadly beautiful day today! Cloudless blue skies, mild breeze, 80º, long yellow sun.

Floor trials for tonight’s Showcase were early this morning – word is that there are some mind-blowingly fantastic new routines (we’ve already seen two of these and OMG AUGHGH.)

By the way – for a small fee you can watch all weekend on your computer or wide-screen TV: Global Dance TV.

Here are last night’s Awards for Thursday Pro-Am routines (awards for Thursday Jack and Jills will be announced Saturday night.)

Pro-Am Followers:
  1. Sharon Her with Ben McHenry
  2. Desie Damaso with Stephen White
  3. Tish Varletti with Doug Silton
Pro-Am Leaders:
  1. Cameron Crook with Sarah Vann Drake
  2. Chris Brown with Taletha Jouzdani
  3. Robert McChesney with Yvonne Wayne

Tonight began with Masters Strictly:

Nine couples;

Opening All-Skate to “Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay;”

Jam to “Get Up, Get Down, Get Funky, Get Loose”

Final All-Skate to “Natural Man.”

Novice JJ Finals (sorry about names of finalists in Novice – I missed names in this division)

Judges: Dani, Michael and Amber Cross, Mary Ann, Martin, Carmen, Jim Tigges, and Chief Judge Yvonne)

Deejay Victor

  1. Matthew and Joy to “The Way I Are”
  2. Blake and Larisse/Clarisse/Maurice/Kellese to “Stomp You Like A Memory”
  3. Sacramento (maybe Trista?) and a Frenchman to “In My Head”
  4. (oops didn’t get either of these names) to “Freeze The Moment”
  5. Connor and Marissa to “I Just Want To Know”
  6. Alexandra and somebody to “Wait For You”
  7. Somebody and somebody else to “Fatal Love”
  8. Jose and Davinia (Dubruvitch?uppavitch?Ruvdubwawchich?) to “Let It Rock”
  9. Jerry and Vanessa to “Strobe Lights”
  10. Diego and Henessey to “I Won’t Tell”
Intermediate JJ Finals

Judges: Crosses, Mary Ann, Dani, Martin, Carmen, Jim, and CJ Yvonne Deejay: Victor

  1. David Guido (Cali) and HaeLa ne Reula (France!) to “I Want To Know Who You Are”
  2. Justin Zadro (Oz) and Kristin Humphrey (Arizona) to “Don’t Need It”
  3. Matt Richey (Cali) and Maelle Jacoulet (France) to “Cause I Said So”
  4. Thomas Carter (Arizona) and Rehanna Loncar (Arizona) to “Baby Please Don’t Go”
  5. Jonathan Uy (Oz) and Cintia Fiaschi (Brasil) to “Forever”
  6. Barry Carothers (Texas) and Samia Amrani (Cali) to “Damaged”
  7. Michael Shibasaki (Canada) and Larisa Tingle (Cali) “Brokenhearted”
  8. Michael Picard (Denver) and Marina Motronenko (Moscow) “Stuttering”
  9. Chris Brown (Texas) and Rachel Cureton (Oz) “Own This Club”
  10. Frank Blakemore (Pennsylvania) and Caroline Reyhae (France) “Dynamite”

All-Skate to “Baby What You Want Me To Do” and “She’s A Bad Mamma Jamma”

Advanced and Allstar in a few minutes ….

Filed Under: US Open

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