US Open 2015 Update #3 - Travel, Live Stream, Pack for Cold

It's COLD here!
Okay, not Canada Russia Sweden cold. But record cold for the US Open ... so ...
If you're still packing -- bring a sweater!
And if you're going to Disneyland on Monday - bring a warm jacket and hat!
Travel from the airport:
Shared Ride Vans
Super Shuttle (about $40 one way, less for groups)
Taxis - 175,000,000 taxis lined up outside baggage claim (about $80 from LAX to the hotel)
Uber (cheaper than other taxis)
Five Star Limo Thanksgiving "Groupon" discount
We're at the Marriott Burbank Airport, here's the map:
And here's the Facebook page for coordinating transportation: US Open Roomies, Rides, and Strictly Partners
CNN is reporting 27 million people are travelling by air in or to the United States today, and that despite heightened global security measures air travel today has been very fast, efficient, crowds do not seem to be accumulating.
Travelling by car, however, is a different story, according to CNN. 45 million cars on US roadways today (many Thanksgiving travellers have chosen to drive this year rather than fly) with major traffic jams in the big cities - LA, unfortunately, at the top of the list.
You should expect your trip from LAX down to the hotel to take longer than normal.
Do you still need a seat? Mark Slater (that's Chevy and Rome's father) has box seats! "in the booth left side just before you go down the stairs. Seats 408 409 and 410."
CALL MARK to grab these great seats before they're gone! 408-205-8835
Competition Counts
- 12 Masters couples (competing for both US Open and Masters Tour, nice pocket of change if you can win both!)
- 6 Sophisticated couples
- 8 Young Adult couples
- 4 Young America couples
- 6 Teams
- 21 Rising Star couples
- 28 Classic couples
- 16 Showcase couples
- 25 ProAm couples
- 13 Cabaret routines
Jack and Jills
If you've been following JJ registrations at events around the circuit you know that there are almost always more follows than leads - sometimes even triple the numbers.
So it's interesting to note that for this year's Open the opposite! There are more leaders than followers in every single Jack and Jill division.
These are registrations as of Tuesday night. Many more will sign up today. And last minute, meaning tomorrow morning.
(Maybe the guys all signed up on time and the women are waiting till the last minute?)
- Novice: 37 Leaders; 14 followers
- Intermediate: 43 Leaders; 21 Followers
- Advanced: 39 Leaders; 23 Followers
- Allstar: 27 Leaders; 11 Followers
- Masters: 27 Leaders; 24 Followers
Watching the US Open At Home
Global Dance TV will be streaming live all weekend.
- Go here: Global Dance TV
- Log In.
If you don't have an account yet, create one (FREE) either by using your email address, or, much easier, by using your Facebook account.
- Click "Buy Now To Watch These Videos" (blue button in upper right)
- Choose "US Open 2015 LIVE + Online DVD - 30 days through January 1, 2016" for $34.95 Or choose "US Open 2015 LIVE + Online DVD - 1 year through November 30, 2016" for $59.95
Any viewing issues:
Fastest way to reach support is via support email:
Three actual live human beings will be continuously working customer support this year, to help with any issues. They're dancers - you know them - Mimi Bourassa Johanson, Kiri Duran, and Marie-Stan Remigereau.
Send an email and it will be viewed immediately by all three of these gals, as well as by everyone else at globaldance.
Texts, cell phone calls, and facebook messages are only viewed by the customer support team at the end of the day's streaming - so it will take much longer to get a response if at all.
Join the Facebook "US Open Swing Dance Championships 2015 Online Watch Party" and talk with dancers watching all around the world!

The cute one with the red hair is Romain Meynie - you may know him on Facebook as "Romain WCS Bx". Excellent geek that he is, he has made an automatically updating/timeshifting US Open Schedule which will adjust to your country's times. (Doug Rousar I know you love this it's a google doc you love google docs so much.)
Bill Cameron wants to add this about food: "Del Taco, across the street, is open 24 hours! All the small food joints across the street are awesome!"

I'll be posting updates throughout the Open!
Here's where to find Updates:
Liza on Facebook
Liza on Twitter
Liza's Website
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