Liberty 2013 – Update #7

Ooops. I forgot to mention one Classic couple.
The 1st Place winning Classic couple Ben and Jen, with their TERRIFIC new hip-hop routine. Ooopsie, small mistake.
During the comps I scrawl notes which, if I can decipher them, I use later to write these updates. During Classic I had been scratching down notes as usual.
But then Ben and Jen came out onto the floor – or I should say exploded out onto the floor – and spontaneously combusted like two diadems on the Fourth of July. And like everyone else in the ballroom I dropped my jaw – and my pen – and sat staring, swept away in amazement, never remembering to write down a thing, not even “ben” or “jen.”
It’s a great routine. Spectacular as fireworks. Fast, funny, witty, stylish, current, sexy — just plain baaad assss. Great entertainment, great dancing, totally great routine.
You can see the video here (their first time out, at SwingDiego) although videos never do justice. Videos don’t capture the feel of the room, the electricity in the air. The thing that makes everyone watching leap to their feet yelling their heads off in a standing ovation that won’t end.
So let’s see, what else about Liberty.
Oh I know – I forgot to mention that there was no opening show on Friday (the themed show for which John typically brings staff in early to choreograph – “Grease,” “West Side Story,” “Elvis.”) John says that because next year is the 10th Anniversary celebration of Liberty he wanted to keep this year low key.
So no show this year, instead a Pro-Am Jack and Jill – prelims, semis, and finals all on Friday night, which felt a little long for those of us watching (although the people who competed loved the chance to dance with pros.)
What else.
Oh this is cool: there’s an honor-system store just outside the ballroom which you enter with your room key to pick up snack items, advil, gatorade – filling in a slip to leave at the front desk. What’s cool about this room is that it’s soundproof. You can see people in there – glass walls – but you can’t hear them. Genieboy, Kay Newhouse and I found ourselves alone and had us one hyper manic debriefing hilarity session. Perfect location: whenever you feel the sudden urgent need to vent you drag a friend around the corner and close yourselves in for mutual therapy, returning to the jungle relieved and refreshed. We’re calling the room “The Confessional.”
Another great weekend.
Liberty is on our short list of events not to miss. Next year will be bombastic! Book your hotel rooms early! The hotel and first overflow hotel both sold out again this year Liberty 2014 might be the year to come in early to play in “the city” (that’s New Yorkease for “Manhattan.”)
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